I made a point of leaving this testimonial so that other people like me looking for alternatives and are sometimes a little afraid of buying things over the internet because they don't know if they will really be effective! Four years ago, I had very low libido, with no encouragement for anything and I went to a urologist.. in the tests requested, including FREE TESTOSTERONE, at the time the first result was 226 ng/l, something like.. it was very close to the minimum level that is used as a parameter in the tests. The doctor prescribed me manipulated TESTOSTERONE in gel form to use under the skin for 2 months. I bought something very expensive, and I administered the medicine.. at the end of 2 months, I reschedued the appointment and in the new tests, FREE TESTOSTERONE had risen a measly 12 points, going from 226 to 238 ng/l... At the time I had felt some improvement and after that I no longer went to the doctor and did not even try to buy the manipulated medicine again. This year 2019 I was again with the same lack of sexual desire, continuous tiredness, discouragement, etc., etc. This time I did it differently, I searched the internet for something that I could take to improve without going through the bureaucracy of doctors who insist on avoiding as much as possible prescribing anything to help. That's when I saw on this site biovea testrogain and good feedback from some users, I decided to take a chance.. Before the product arrived I had a health check up and asked a doctor to give me an exam guide for free testosterone to check the levels after administering the product. And so I did it, I scheduled exactly 30 calendar days since I started taking testrogain for the first time and only at the end would I do the test. Last week the deadline was over and I went for the blood test.. and to my absolute surprise, my FREE TESTOSTERONE level was no less than 441 ng/l, something almost 2x higher q the first test result I did 4 years ago! simply sensational, I was really absurdly happy with the result that appeared not only in the exam but on a daily basis, the sexual desire returned, the tires passed and I will really make this product a continuous support so that the levels always remain elevated.. so for those who have doubts just like I had and I took a chance, you can be sure that the product helps.. and the best, totally natural, without side effects of any kind, nothing.. what he did to me was to help my own body produce the hormones naturally and quickly, because not even in 2 months of treatment with pure testosterone that I had done in the past have had the effect that this product did in just 1 month! I recommend it and I'm buying another one now! If the person makes the use exactly as prescribed, it is success! you can be sure