FOLIGAIN® COLOR RESCUE, designed to promote and enhance your original hair color
• Contains Catalase. The absence of catalase is thought to initiate the chain
reaction resulting in gray hair.
• Supports the body's ability to produce melanin pigment.
• Works to reactivate dormant or near dead pigment cells throughout the
body to help to restore gray hair back to its original hair color.
FOLIGAIN® COLOR RESCUE works to reactivate dormant or near dead pigment cells throughout the body to help to restore gray hair back to its original hair color. The results may vary since people start to have gray hair at different stages in their lives and no hair strands respond at the same time or in the same way to treatment. You should notice a difference in usually 4 to 9 months.
For many years, scientists have suspected that hair turns gray over time because some kind of naturally occurring "toxin" interferes with melanin's ability to saturate hair shafts with color. (Melanin is the substance produced by the body that colors hair, skin and eyes.) But it took a team of researchers at the University of Bradford in Great Britain, to figure out the exact biological and chemical process. The main culprit, it turns out, is an excess of hydrogen peroxide, naturally produced by hair cells.
Hair cells in people of all ages produce some hydrogen peroxide. But in young people, it's quickly broken down into its harmless elements of hydrogen and oxygen by the enzyme catalase. As we get older, however, the hair cells produce smaller amounts of catalase, and less hydrogen peroxide gets broken down.
As the bleach piles up, the melanin doesn't work as readily. At first, it strips a little color from the hair, giving it a gray appearance. But over time, as the level of catalase continues to decline and the level of hydrogen peroxide increases, the gray gives way to white. The whole mechanism is upset by too much hydrogen peroxide which is a very concentrated form of oxygen.
FOLIGAIN® COLOR RESCUE contains the enzyme Catalase. The absence of Catalase is thought to initiate the chain reaction resulting in gray hair. FOLIGAIN® COLOR RESCUE combines Catalase with other nutrients recognized for their benefits in promoting fuller, healthier and thicker hair.
FOLIGAIN® COLOR RESCUE helps to stimulate melancocytes to increase the body's ability to produce melanin pigment, which overcomes the genetically based tendency to produce less or little melanin. Hair color is determined by a pigment known as melanin that's distributed through the middle of the hair shaft. The range of color, from blond to brown to black, is determined by the number, size, and color of the pigment granules. When hair is produced by the reproduction of the epithelial cells comprising the follicle, newly produced melanin accumulates in the cells and colors the hair itself as it emerges from the follicle. As we get older, the pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. When there are fewer pigment cells in a hair follicle, that strand of hair will no longer contain as much melanin and will become a more transparent color - like gray, silver, or white - as it grows. As people continue to get older, fewer pigment cells will be around to produce melanin. Eventually, the hair will look completely gray.
FOLIGAIN® COLOR RESCUE works to reactivate dormant or near dead pigment cells throughout the body to help to restore gray hair back to its original hair color. The results may vary since people start to have gray hair at different stages in their lives and no hair strands respond at the same time or in the same way to treatment. You should notice a difference in usually
4 to 9 months.
Other key ingredients in FOLIGAIN® COLOR RESCUE:
Horsetail (7% extract): Helps hold moisture in the hair and keeps hair looking glossy and bright without having the feeling of being saturated with oil. It also promotes strong hair roots and protects against scalp irritation.
Plant Sterols (45% beta-sitosterol): This agent helps to counteract stress hormones that contribute to the aging of the hair. As we know that stress hormones can contribute to the loss of hair as well as premature graying.
Barley Grass: Promotes and enhances the original hair color by preventing the molecular structure in the hair from prematurely loosing life. Barley Grass thickens the hair as well as providing exterior nutrients forming a shield of protection that can force the gray to
eliminate itself.
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