Ogoplex Pure Extract: A Healthy Prostate Supports a Healthy Climax
Safe and extremely effective, Ogöplex may provide you:
• Increased number of ejaculatory contractions
• Longer, more intense orgasms
• Increases in ejaculate volume
• Faster ejaculate recovery times
• Stronger, deeper contractions that are fuller from start to finish
What is Ogöplex?
Ogöplex Pure Extract is just that, a pure extract in tablet form. Ogöplex Pure Extract, for lack of a better term, is a male orgasm intensifier. The strength and duration of an orgasm is dependant on many factors. The number and intensity of the physical contractions, along with the coinciding semen release are pleasure factors that when enhanced, lead to a much better climax!
How does Ogöplex work?
Here’s the key to better, even multiple orgasms for men – increasing the number of strong, ejaculatory contractions in each orgasm. These contractions are called “ropes” because of the rope-like effect of intensified release through over-and-over super contractions.
The term ropes applies to the number of physical ejaculatory contractions a man has during an orgasm. Undeniably, the more contractions (ropes), the longer and better the orgasm. Ogöplex Pure Extract works to help increase these ropes significantly.
The power of the male body to shoot semen comes from the contraction, and its evolutionary advantage is in powering the sperm closer to the egg. The pleasure advantage in a stronger contraction is that the experience is simply bigger, more intense and longer lasting – as many as 10 to 15 contractions that each feel like an orgasm of its own.
How long does it take Ogöplex to show results?
Like most ingestible supplements, a build-up time following digestion is required before results can occur. Taking Ogöplex over time may help you to experience longer, stronger orgasms with increased output. These benefits may even apply to women, as Ogöplex, promotes longer, stronger orgasms for both sexes.
What are the ingredients in Ogöplex?
Ogöplex is manufactured from pure botanical seed extract imported from Sweden. Ogöplex Pure Extract is cultivated in the fertile plains region of Skåne, and has been used by generations of Nordics to enhance sexually capacity. Ogöplex extract is harvested from inside the seed husk and is stripped of all allergens, and is toxin free. This life-giving substance also helps the human body absorb more nutrients from food and process them more effectively.
The main active ingredient in Ogöplex is a pure botanical seed extract known for enhancing sexual capacity. Generations of use in Europe know it to work very well! Ogöplex also contains a unique blend of herbals and nutrients chosen specifically to provide increased vitality, intensity, and orgasmic release in men. Vitamin A and E contribute to the health-enhancing properties of Ogöplex to the male reproductive system.
The secret ingredients in Ogöplex Pure Extract are known to boost semen and testosterone production while strengthening the contractile muscles of the vas deferens to pump more ejaculate, more powerfully during sexual release. Ogöplex benefits and strengthens the prostate gland and ejaculatory ducts for a more powerful, concentrated orgasm.
Are there any known side-effects?
There are no known or reported side effects from using Ogöplex and no known interactions with other medications, but before combining with other medications we always advise that you consult your physician.