At the age of 26, I was found that my ovaries were empty. My family planning wasn't finished yet and I started researching, as a common voculation in depleted ovaries is almost useless. I came across Dhea. My hormone doctor from Stuttgart recommended taking 75 mg in the morning with milk or water and a drop of oil (fat is important for absorption in the body, including the time..) and in fact I was lucky enough to ovulate in the first cycle.
After weaning, menopause came back in full force. Hot flashes, insomnia, tension, back pain, fatigue, irritation were just the tip of the iceberg. All experiments with hormone spray, cream, etc. did not help, especially the hot flashes were very stressful. I started taking Dhea again and started at 25 mg, after 5 days I was redeemed, everything was back on track, even the back pain was gone (zig doctors were stumped, MRI without findings...) my gynaecologist was surprised by the result as my own Dhea was already above the average before the start, she hoped for no improvement ( In this country, there are no lobbyists who market Dhea, so it is almost never offered or considered by the doctor ;-) You can get it on prescription, but 30 tablets here cost around €100 because the pharmacy earns money because it has to be obtained from the Auslamd - laughable and outrageous.
After further checks, the value was greatly increased and obviously that was just right for me. My estrogen rose again, I had a cycle of 28 days again- it was incredible. The skin, memory, everything back to normal. Since the body is still developing, I now take 50 mg after more than 1 year because the old dose was probably no longer enough, after 5 days I was symptom-free again. I am so grateful that I can absolutely recommend Dhea. Only the delivery is lengthy, you have to think about Nashab in time.